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Microchip Processing
Updated over 11 months ago

Provided here is a concise outline of the microchipping procedure. You'll gain insights into the steps involved in microchip processing and the duration required to have your puppy's microchip registered. While there may be slight procedural variations across different databases, it's imperative that all dogs undergo microchipping and registration before any advertisement or sale.

As of March 31st, 2016, it's mandatory for all dogs aged 12 weeks and above to be microchipped and registered. Failure to comply with this law by possessing an unchipped dog may result in legal penalties.

Microchipping can be done before the age of 12 weeks, ideally coinciding with vaccination appointments.

Microchip Processing:

  1. Your veterinarian implants the microchip into your puppy.

  2. The vet completes the necessary paperwork with the microchip details and verifies your identification (passport, driver's license) and proof of address.

  3. The vet submits the paperwork to one of the four authorized microchip database registries (Animark, Fido, IKC, Irish Coursing Club) either by physical mail, which may take 2-4 days for delivery, or electronically through their vet login (applicable for Fido & Animark only).

  4. It's advisable to keep a copy of the microchip documentation.

  5. The microchip database registry receives and processes the information, conducting crosschecks and entering details into their systems. They may contact you for any missing information.

  6. The microchip details are synchronized with daily (immediate for Fido).

  7. You'll receive a microchip registration certificate either by mail (Fido, IKC, ICC) or email (Animark).

Some registries allow electronic submission of microchip information, significantly reducing the registration time from days to hours. Consult your vet regarding this option.

Importing Dogs to Ireland

If you're bringing a dog into Ireland, it must also be microchipped, and you'll need to transfer the registration to one of the approved databases within 3 weeks of arrival. Failure to comply may result in legal consequences. Additionally, selling a dog in Ireland without proper microchipping and registration is prohibited.

Microchip Verification on Europetnet

Verification of microchip numbers on Europetnet is necessary before listing dogs for sale. All four approved databases are mandated by the "Microchipping of Dogs Regulations" (MODR) 2015 to submit information to Europetnet.

Typical Timeframes for Microchip Registration

  • Animark / Fido – Electronic filing of new registrations: 1-2 hours

  • Animark / Fido – Paper filing of new registrations: 3-4 days

  • IKC – Paper filing of new registrations: 7-10 days

  • Animark/Fido – Electronic transfers: 1-2 days.

The registry may take up to 1 additional day to synchronize with Europetnet. The entire process may take up to 10 days, excluding weekends. It's advisable to inquire with your vet about the status of your registration forms.

We recommend planning ahead and microchipping your puppies 10-14 days before intending to advertise them. Your vet will advise if the puppy is suitable for microchip insertion based on age and size. Further information on checking a dog's microchip status can be found [here].

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